Monday, November 30, 2009

It's been a Monday

today to say the least. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I am absolutely exhausted. I have a lot of school work to catch up on so right now I am just posting to say HI! and I will be back with stories, pictures and some laughs! Hope everyone's week started off a little better than mine!
Lots of Love!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thank you..

Everyone in my life,
Thank you.
Thank you for: always being there; being able to make me see good in people; helping me through tough times; showing me who I really am; making it easy to let you go; being a true blessing in my life!
I cannot believe today is Thanksgiving, boy am I excited!!
: D This is my favorite time of the year [ of course more enjoyable somewhere where the "norm" in november ISN'T 85 degrees ] BUT today is a true blessing. It isn't hot, a little humid but that too shall pass. I couldn't ask for a better day for today! Nothing exciting so far but I do need to go get ready... soon of course.

Last night I got to spend Thanksgiving Eve [i created a new holiday, if you didn't celebrate there is always next year silly] with my 4 year old niece. We made s
mores, made hand turkeys, decorated my sister's apartment [w/ said hand turkeys and some paper loops!] and watched Cinderella. I couldn't have asked for a better night. AND since she had eaten before hand, I had to make myself some dinner... and oh boy did I treat myself. I was running through Publix trying to find SOMETHING I was in the mood for to go with pasta and chicken. Millions of possibilities, I know, but I wanted to try something out of the ordinary.... so I did!
I sauteed some onions in a pan, cut up my chicken in bite sized pieces. The best part you may ask, I sauteed some pears with the onions AND made a kick ass goat cheese cream sauce. Heaven?! YES! Put it over linguine, and BAM! Heaven in a bowl. Holy moly it was delicious, I do have to say there was something missing but it was divine. I have leftovers so that might be my light [haha!!] lunch before turkey turkey turkey! Oy vey, I'm dreaming about it now...

If you are up for it, I would definitely try that out. There really isn't a recipe but it included: small yellow onion diced, boco pear diced, chicken breast diced [vegetarians can substitute something of their liking or sweet baby peppers goes very nice as well!] goat cheese, heavy cream, salt pepper, little garlic, and cooked linguine! mmm
mmmmm so delicious please do try!
Mine turned out looking like this:
Yes, I was smiling. That was before I ate it! Very goood : )

So enough about food right!? mouth watering yet? Sorry about that.
Well anywho I should get going and get ready. I was supposed to have already left for my hubs house, WHOOPS!

Have a great holiday everyone!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

new post!

coming tomorrow! its way too late and i have a busy busy day ahead of me!
errands, work, gym and babysitting! might not sound like much but that will be taking up my whole day!
be back tomorrow!
good night and happy early turkey festivities!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

This has been odd

to say the least... a very odd last couple of weeks or so. I think it might be my new prescription from my doctor. Very moody and short tempered, and i do NOT like that! I try and stay away from that as much as possible.

But I did get some fresh ink on thursday, SEE:
Isn't it just wonderful!? I had this idea to get betty boop about a week or two ago when i was out to dinner with my hub and best friend but it didn't happen that night so I have gone back and talked to my artist, Jared. He did the piece on my arm [ my mixer ] and I love it all so far. But I got this for my grandma, who by the way told me it wasn't me fair that I was getting betty boop and she wasn't, she's so awesome ha ha. It means a lot to me to have a piece of her with me at all times.

Well anyway, it has been a very weird week. Just been feeling down and out, just a little stressful i guess. BUT I am going to try and turn that around this week!
For now, I am going to go relax and do some laundry! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

my little cave

is where I have been for almost the last week.
came down with some sinus back-up saturday and I am still trying to fight it off..
I will be back soon. Promise.