Monday, January 25, 2010

Is this getting old?

Or is it just me?
I am super sorry I haven't posted for a week, a whole week!
I don't feel good about it considering I am trying my hardest to get on here everyday but there have been a couple of bumps in the road this week.

The Mr. got into a bad accident at work and we were in the ER all day the other day and I have been taking care of my poor little man for the last couple of days. Tomorrow he goes in for a check up and to re-bandage his finger. In a short summary, he finger got smashed by a fork-lift and literally busted open, horrible I know. So if you can imagine what a hot dog end looks like after it has been over-cooked in the micro, that is what his finger looked like, with a little bit more blood. It was so horrible and I was getting nausea while the doctor was playing put the puzzle pieces together on his finger. No more nail but hopefully it will grow back without being lumpy. It also tore right where the nail is created so it might be lumpy but we hope not.
But an upside to all of this is he got a new car! [He was in an accident 2 days before Christmas Eve, I know he isn't doing too well.] It is an 06 GMC Envoy and can I just say how super jealous I am! Even though I have been driving him around in it, I still want it to be mine. All mine. For me : )

I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me spilling his pain stories too too much but hey! you have to know why I have been gone!

I just wanted to update and let you know I AM STILL HERE, whoever you are. Are you there? Is anyone there?

Hope this week brings joy and happiness into everyone's lives, hopefully it will be more positive this week!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello Monday!

Good Morning Monday! How are you? Amazing?! Is that right?

Yes amazing. We are having perfect weather right now in South Florida and I couldn't be happier. Today is a holiday, MLK Day-rest in peace brave man, so it is a tad bit slow at the family's deli so I am home getting ready to fix up the house, clean the room, bust out laundry and exercise! And hopefully get it all done! Starting off my day with an awesome breakfast consisting of : slice of Ezekiel 7 sprouted with organic peanut butter and organic wild blueberry preserves. Want a look?
Drool, it's okay. I will give you a couple of minutes. I almost forgot my almond vanilla milk [I'm lactose intolerant and cow milk isn't good for you anyway]. So there is my beginning to my day.

Last night I posted about writing my goals, forgot of course. Maybe it was the delicious dinner the Mr. and I cooked up. I mean like let's talk about a kick-ass dinner, we made one. Thank God our Publix had real corn tortillas or it would not have been the same.
It was a little buffet lets say, I can't think of how to spell the other word so there, of deliciousness! Here Look, again!:
Mmmm! We have homemade salsa and guacamole, shredded lettuce, the infamous corn tortillas, and ground turkey with seasonings and onions! YUM! Oh yeah and a little touch of sour cream, always. : )

Let's get off the topic of food and do what I came here to do. My goals. I haven't written a concrete list so I figured I would just write it here!
Here it goes, My Top 3:
1) SECRET for right now. It will take a whole post so look out for that, whoever is reading this!
2) Get Healthy! Seriously though, everyone is doing it but I mean it. Knowing what I know about food and NOT practicing it is not good for me, so I'm changing that STAT!
3) Get to Goal Weight! Yes it goes with number two but it is a big one for me.

I have a Top 3 because I didn't want to overload this with like 20 goals because I have more goals but they are smaller and not down on paper so I forgot some! Whoops. But I will, eventually, post them and if not then when I achieve a goal, I will post about it!

Well got to get going if I am going to finish everything! Hope everyones Monday is going great!
Ta-Ta for now!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

its been too long

and I am very sorry.
Week has been very busy with work and I have figured out one of my biggest goals for this year! I cannot speak of such thing until certain stuff gets worked out, but it will be soon! Promise!

Anyway, my day right now is being spend watching Real Housewives of OC. I know, but I can't help it. Not sure why but I love this show. All of them really.
I have lots of laundry to do, dishes and cleaning up around the house and my room. The mr. is coming over later and not sure what the plans are yet but he wants to go out, go figure hahah. But later tonight I promise to post of my other non-secret goals for this year!
Hope everyones weekend is going great and their sunday is exactly what you needed!
Bye for now!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Yes a re-do or more of a re-start. I had been doing great with getting in shape and being healthy and it took a landslide, not even a mudslide. So I am re-starting as of today. It is going to be hard and tough at points but I did it before and I can do it again.

Got my banana shake in hand and ready to hit the gym. Not sure if I am working today, we got drama going on [such a small deli with just family, you think it wouldn't be too bad] and I don't want to be a part of it. Negativity is something I am trying to stay away from and not surround myself in it haha.

I will be posting later tonight my 2010 goals. Is anyone out there reading this? If so, please let me know : )

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A long week behind me

And a long week ahead of me. I really can't complain about this week though other than the fact that I have to get up early but that is a good thing! I need to do that more often. I find that if I don't get up early, when my alarm clock first goes off, my day is normally crappy. So I will be looking forward to getting up early, this way I can get used to it and be comfortable with it.
Super happy about how the holidays went and how blessed I am to have amazing people in my life but definitely happy they are over, too much stress. M
y family recently [6 months ago] took over a bagel place and the holidays were wayyyy different this year and so much more stressful but I couldn't ask for them to be any different. Now it's time to work work work and get back on track with real life ha ha ha.

It is so chilly here. Not even chilly, freezing! I used to live in New York so saying this makes me feel like a wimp but living in Florida for more than 4 1/2 ye
ars has definitely changed how I react to the cold! It's 46 degrees in south florida! I am so loving it and happy I am making ends meet with my Floridian wardrobe that consists mostly of tank tops and dresses. But now I am all bundled up and saying HI to you!
Ha ha ha I am such a dork. Anyway, tonight was definitely an experience in itself. Dealing with certain issues concerning the Mr. and I and our future is always my favorite topic of conversation over dinner with parents. Sensing my sarcasm yet? Yes, okay : )
But truly, in the end it turned out to be a good thing, a very good thing. I hate it when I am put in situations like that but it did end up being in everyone's favor to talk about things so it was good. With this being said I will be making a post about my goals, present - future - and everywhere in between. Kind of excited about it because I can't wait to cross things off my list!
Considering I am taking this semester off from school I will have a lot of time to accomplish these goals! I am excited to have time off, I will be going back but it was, in my opinion, in my best interest to take off this semester and really work on me and where I want to go with my life. Excited to see what this year will bring because so much stuff is in the air right now and I am SO ready to take the steps necessary to put everything together and accomplish what I need to accomplish.

I want to finish school to better myself but I am not sure what I will be doing afterwards. I have this crazy idea to open some type of cupcake truck on the side. I think it would be awesome and if not done soon, it will be done one day!

I have a feeling I am the only one reading this right now ha ha ha. Well whoever you are that is out there reading this, thank you for taking time for read about me. I would love to read about you!

My thoughts are everywhere right now and I am sorry about that. Very tired and just have a lot going through my head but nonetheless I hope this was all entertaining!
I have to get to bed though, early morning and long day. Work and than a bike ride with my best! I am so excited. I will post pictures tomorrow and tell you my HILARIOUS story of this new found bike that I got today. Be prepared to laugh, and not with me, just at me ha ha ha!

Hope everyone's night is great and everyone's morning is even better!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Enjoying my peaceful morning without a hangover, very nice if I do say so myself. Last night consisted of lots of dancing, lots of laughs and great times with the family (plus some alcohol for some people). But it was the best way to end the year.
This year has had lots of ups and downs, adventures, disappointments, stress [lots], anxiety but most importantly love throughout all of it. Gained and lost friendships, learned more about people and myself. The most important thing I think that came out of this year, whether it was great for some people or horrible for others, for me was my sense of self. I have finally gotten comfortable in who I am, which is awesome and something I've never felt before so I got a big accomplishment down!
This years goals, not resolutions, aren't completely finished yet. I do want to make it a goal to keep up with this more than I do now. It is just hard considering I can't make a picture blog [well put pictures in my posts] seeing as I don't have a digital camera. Lots of film but no digital, it finally died.

Taking a look back at this year, it has flown by, like light of speed. I graduated, turned 18 and ALMOST almost moved out on my own [with roommates of course]. This year was a big disappointment for a lot of people but I want to go out being positive. It was very bad for some people and great for others but it could have been a lot worse. I get to wake up every morning and have the sun hit my face, my family next to my side and a mr. that loves me dearly [although I would like to punch him right now as to he is being very pushy! : ) haha] For those that could have had a better year, just be thankful for what you do have not what you lost or whats in the past. Have you ever gone running/walking and looked back for some reason and fell. Right there, on your face. I can't say I have done that exact same thing but something similar, it's a metaphor let's just forget the story HA! On a more serious note, let's not look back at what 2009 could have been but at what 2010 can be! I new career, new romance, job, pet, child, family member, anything! Lets stay positive and get back on track. It's easy to get off track and stay there because its well easy. Have courage and strength to turn around and go back on the right path, whichever that may be for you.

I have always struggled with anxiety and stress and most of the time it is because I am thinking selfishly in that I am stressing or have anxiety that I cant get what I need done with the time I want at the moment in MY life. Very selfish, no? So one of my goals is to try and NOT be like that and learn how to serve. I know it will take me being broken but I know I can do it.
Well the mr. is still pushing me to get dressed and out the door, which i should do!, so I will leave you with some of my goals for this year and beyond:
* get the rest of my tattoo drawn up and get it on my skin!
* learn to serve people and to fight less and love more
* take at least 2 road trips [I want more of course]
* begin to study/research/experiment with my new baking textbook! [CIA!]

Thats it for now, if I keep going it will be stupid crap that really aren't true goals, for example get a manicure would wind up on there. hahah!
Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years Eve and aren't popping too many advil this morning ; )
Enjoy Today! 01-01-10!
p.s.- next post I will have pictures from last night and etc! promise! bye!